November 03, 2010


Pat ~ Mille Fiori Favoriti

This looks like such a fun class to attend, Susan, and just look at all the yummy treat recipes you now have for the holidays! Thanks for the cranberry pie recipe -- that will come in handy!

Pat@Back Porch Musings

Looks like lots of fun!:-)


Thank you for your sacrifice!!! I know your husband and kids appreciated it also...now my mouth is watering and there is nothing in this house sweet...I do have some cranberries in the freezer though.........

Mrs. Magpie

Hi, Susan!

Happy Tablescape Thursday to you!

Oh, you poor girl... having to taste that food. LOL! Looks delicious. And the table is so cute with the NJ tablecloth. This looks like a very fun time.

Neat about your family being in the bakery business. So you come by your cooking abilites naturally. That recipe for pie sounds great. Thanks much!


Sheila :-)

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida

What fun! Thanks for the pie recipe. It is this time of the year when I start tsting recipes for Thanksgiving and I wanted to go a different way this year.


What a wonderful way to spend your day! Thank you for the recipe.

Cheryl F.

Wow Susan, looks like you had a wonderful time! The pie looks yummy. Thank you for the great pictures and recipe. I can not wait to try it!! ;p

Cherry Kay

So much fun! Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with us and for giving us the recipe. I can hardly wait to try that one! Cherry Kay


Hi Susan...

Ohhh...what fun! It sounds like you had a fabulous time and wonderful learning experience at this cooking class! I do declare that all of the goodies that were made...look simply divine! I had never thought about doing a white chocolate fudge with peppermint...Mmmm! Thank you for sharing your experience with us...such a treat! And yes...that kitchen was awesome! I loved the black and white tile floor with all the red kitchen accents!!!

Warmest autumn wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design


Oh what fun! YUM! Love the idea of the fudges! Love the chex mix in the bags! Gorgeous kitchen too!

Tricia@The Dull & the Dutiful

Wow, what a fun class that sounded like! You learned a LOT of new recipes for the holidays. That peppermint fudge sounded divine -- I am addicted to peppermint bark. Thank you for your comments on my table this week at Tablescape Thursday!

Kate Blue

looking around from BNOTP and have to agree, I do love to cook and thought the same about a class I took and was pleasantly surprised and the new creations and tips I picked up!


What fun! I love their colorful kitchen. And how nice that they taught a bakery owner's daughter something new. Wish I could have joined you for a taste at your tea table!


Oh that does look like fun! I probably wouldn't even be able to listen to the chef, because I'd be so busy admiring the kitchen! I love your vintage NJ tablecloth. Your table looks so inviting, and oh my goodness that pie looks devine! laurie


Wow, what a brilliant time you must have had. Everything looked delicious and I especially love the Holiday theme!

You are very kind to include one of the recipes. I will definitely try to make this, especially since you loved it so much!

Best wishes,


The class looks like a lot of fun, and the cranberry pie sounds so different!

Jenna Ericson

So jealous.
I would love cooking lessons!!! I will continue with my experimentation up here at school, though. Hahaha. Did I tell you I finally perfected pork fried rice? :D


What Fun! I've always wanted to take a class at T and T. I must try the pie...looks delicious.

susan ericson

The pie really was deilcious.. maybe we should take a class together!

Sue @Rue Mouffetard

Hi Susan....the class looked fun...the goodies you got to make looked fun...I'm sure eating them later on was fun but you have a vintage New Jersey tablecloth!!
Nothing gets better then that...I collect vintage state souvenir plates but I think I will have to be on the lookout for my very own "Motherland" tablecloth...it's very cool

ugg boot

I had to refresh the page 2 times to view this page for some reason, however, the information here was worth the wait.

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