May 22, 2011


laura @ the shorehouse

Hope you had a good yard sale! Interlaken was a dud for me...but I think I was exercising self control after seeing that my friend Jim managed to fill his trunk with 'treasures.' (He scared me straight, lol!)


What a sweetie your husband is, to send you a photo of expensive, French handbags! Some things are better dreamed than experienced!
I love the idea of the piece of glass on the desk top - brilliant.


It is always nice to clear the clutter. I also like using baskets for various things. They do come in handy. Great post.

dotsie (aka podso)

Garage sales are so satisfying, aren't they? Nice mosaic and I enjoyed the blue purses! Maybe he will bring one home ....

Genie Robinson

I enjoy cleaning the clutter because then I get to mess it up all over again. I have been using glass or plexiglass on desk top for years. It is a fabulous way to show up your pictures. We can no longer have glass on school desks because of the “danger.”Plexiglass works just fine.


Oh what a wonderful idea for using your memories to decorate! I have seen people do that for a birthday party -- putting the pictures under a clear plastic tablecloth...


Garage sales are fun ... for everyone! Nice husband ... is he going to bring back one of those lovely bags??!!!!! Have a great week.

Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook

How sweet that he took a photo for you :) I love your desk, very cool! Great post, glad you made room. I need to do that one of these days!


How sweet of your hubby to take a picture that he knew you'd enjoy. Love the idea of using the desk and a glass top to create this special mosaic of memories.

ellen b

Well how thoughtful of hubby to send you that photo! Congrats on completing your garage sale and getting rid of some clutter :0)


I hope you had a good yard sale, Susan!

Your study looks so comfortable and neat. I love your idea to top the desk with glass and put memorabilia underneath like a giant collage of life!

Alicia @ Titere con Bonete

I love your desktop. I think I would start daydreaming though and reliving memories and would never get anything done...lol. Those bags!!! Wowza! Love them!


What a wonderful idea to make a collage under glass of momentos to cammouflage the damaged top!


Lovely cozy spot to work and relax. V


Wonderful idea for a desk to. Mom did this with her coffee table and placed all family pics there. Well done!

Manang Kim,usa

Good for you, your done with your garage sale. I haven't start purging yet. And yes, those blue bags are awesome, it's for my eyes only ^_^

Indigo bunting

Jane F @ Atticmag

Congrats on the sale. Isn't it the best feeling? I am sooo overdue for one. Great idea on the collage too. Jane


Hope your yard sale went well. Love the expensive bags, they are nice to look at :)

susan ericson

Laura, I never even went out to look at what others were selling...there is nothing like preparing for a sale to set you straight as to whether you need more stuff. I expect that will wear off pretty quickly though and I will be back at it in the very near future ;)


Clearing the clutter,great idea I need to clean out some out-buildings round here.
I love handbags and shoes too.These handbags are gorgeous,but I'll bet they sure are expensive!...Come for visit!
Lazy on Loblolly


Oh, Susan, I'm drooling over those blue purses! Thanks for sharing your blues.

Happy Blue Monday.

Crafty Gardener

Yard sales are fun. I'm thinking of having one soon. Love your idea for the top of your desk ... Memories every to e you look at it.


Oh my... what a great idea. I can't wait to rush home (I'm in Mexico right now) and begin my project of favorite pics and other keepsakes under glass on the desk I inherited from my late father.
Also.. the blue! Love it. If you visit my blog you'll see lots of blues at a wonderful party we went to Saturday night here in Mexico. Blue was everywhere! Love it... ooops. Think I already said that.
Ladybug Creek


At least among all your clutter, you managed to find a pretty blue showing. I would not like those bags for myself.


Hello Susan, thanks for your visit today. I love seeing your comments on my posts.
Your desk is perfect with the glass. Kind of like organized clutter. HA! I have been accused of that for years by my friend Beverly, at Pink Sat.

Mexico, how fun. I love the blue handbags. I know the feeling of getting rid of things via Good will or a yard sale.

Hugs, Jeanne

Lavender Dreams

I have to take time every so often to clean the clutter, too! It all of a sudden bothers me! heehee! And those handbags...oh my! That is my weakness! I have never seen such pretty blue bags! WOW! ♥

Porch Days

At first glance I thought that was how your handbags were organized! Nancy H

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