June 24, 2012



Hello, Susan! I hope you are feeling better now. Sorry, you had to miss all the parties. :( Your Zucchini bread look and sounds delicious. Wonderful mosaic and photos. Thanks for sharing, I wish you well. Take care!

Lavender Dreams

I hope you are feeling better, too. I sure would love to have some zucchini bread..I haven't made it in years!


Oh no! I'm sorry that you've been under the weather.

This picnic looks like one I'd very much enjoy...very colorful, tasty food, fresh fruit, zucchini bread, yummers!

Thank you for the links, too.


I could go for a virtual picnic. There would be fewer calories in it. I love to make zucchini bread in season. Valerie

Jenna Ericson

How crazy... on my weekend up in Hunterdon, I ended up sick as well. I spent a day and a half in bed. We'll have to hang out watching movies or something when I get home tomorrow.

Z was a fantastic letter choice, though!


That is so blue-tiful!

Thanks for sharing your blue picnic basket.

Happy Blue Monday, Susan.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook

Hope you are feeling better! I think you have a fantastic picnic with the zucchini bread and tart.

Leah H.

Get well soon:) Like your virtual picnic..

Visiting for Blue Monday- hope you can stop by..


GED online

Amazing post and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!


great photos of some of my favorite edibles.....take some vitamin C and call me in the morning!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove

Well, everything looks yummy. That picnic basket is so cute! Happy Blue Monday!


Love that basket!! We have not been picnicking in a very long time. The bread sounds great. :)

Priscilla Bahr

Feel better soon Susan so you can enjoys these yummy taste treats!

ellen b

Ugh! I hope you are feeling real good soon. Loved all your mosaics. I'd love a piece of that Z. bread right now...

Wandering Thought

Oh and this is a picnic that I will miss? The dishes are all so yummy looking and fresh zuchini are the best!

Pat in New York

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, Susan! I hope you get better soon.

Your virtual photo picnic is so amazing! I love your zucchini bread and tart. That picnic basket is gorgeous! I love the blue color of the accessories.

Thank you for your kind words and prayers for Colorado! I have been so worried the past few days, even though the fires are not near where my children and grandchildren live -- the entire state seems to be burning!

Serafin fijit friend

I always spent my half an hour to read this web site's articles or reviews all the time along with a mug of coffee.


What an amazing job you did Susan. And all while not feeling well. Sometimes those summer coughs can sure latch on. I do hope you are doctoring it with some honey and as someone suggested, Vitamin C. Watch it though so it doesn't get worse we sure wouldn't want you to miss the Picnic!!!

Your abundance of Zucchini goodies will be most welcome at the picnic. Especially since there are no zucchini in my neck of the woods as of yet:)

Thanks so much for playing the picnic game, Susan. Your kind words are greatly appreciated:) I hope you feel better real soon, Louise.


What a great idea! I wonder what the person with the X is going to pick! They got a really hard letter!

Hope you are feeling better!


kitchen flavours

Hi, I'm stopping by from The Picnic Game. You have a wonderful garden! All that lovely Zucchinis homegrown in your own garden, I'm practically drooling over them! And your bread looks wonderful!
Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather, hope you are feeling much better now. Take care!

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